In an animation career spanning 20 years, Keith has worked on a wide range of productions including developing product for a multitude of Film Festivals, Cartoon Network, Disney, and Jim Cameron; was commissioned to create an animated work for a John Lasseter tribute, animated a main character in Sam Raimi’s DRAG ME TO HELL; was working with Michael Jackson on Thriller for the Michael Jackson’s THIS IS IT stage show when Michael passed away and completed concept design work and previsualizations for the producers of Sony’s for FALL FROM GRACE (2014), conceptualizing how a six-winged angel and a 12 winged angel would levitationally swordfight in the Chamber of Creation.
Keith has taught animation and Visual Effects for the Digital Media Academy at Stanford University, at other prestigious universities and at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories where he brought all of their animators under the umbrella of one animation software. He recently directed an award winning short about Mercedes and the first car journey ever, AROUND THE BENZ and is working on pre-production for two animated features, film festivals and documentaries. In addition to feature and documentary work, Keith is currently developing his own quirky, irreverent animation series based on his nostalgic view of his beloved Britain – Lower Piddle.