From Ashes to Renewal: Finding Balance Amidst Life’s Fires

The fires raging across the land—and within our hearts—are profoundly distressing. How can we take care of ourselves in this moment, and heed the powerful lessons on offer?

Creating Refuge

The holidays can feel intense, even overwhelming. This is an invitation to find your ground.

From Distress to Rooted Resilience

The world needs us all right now—calm, connected, and empowered for the challenging times ahead. How might you anchor your purpose?

Gentle Care for the Spirit

Just as our physical body needs rest when recovering from illness, our spirit too needs gentle care to heal its existential wounds.

Antidote to Campaign Crazies

If you’re feeling stress about the upcoming election in the U.S., you’re not alone. Here are some tips to help stay sane and take action.

The Fragility and Fierceness of Democracy

Dictatorships can arise anywhere—as I have personally witnessed in my life. When we band together, though, we can not only stop tyranny but heal deep wounds to Earth and our societies.

Flowing with Transitions

As we mourn the passing of beloved scientist and champion of water Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, we have the opportunity, as we do in each moment, to surrender to the flow of impermanence.

A Prayer to Mother Earth

View of the earth from the moon. Elements of this image furnished by NASA

Reflecting on the significance of Earth Day, these words of grief, joy, and dedication poured forth.

Soul Emergence: A New Year Ritual

The arrival of a new year can be a meaningful rite of passage. What seeks to emerge in and through you?

Finding True Fulfillment: How to Ease Your FOMO

In a world that teases you with virtually all you could ever want, how do you deal with the nagging anxiety that you should do, be and belong more?

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